Alas, Poor Honeysuckle, it's only crime was to grow too well and too bushy... |
I had a dream in days gone by of native coral honeysuckles twining their way up the metal railings on either side of my porch stems, blooming with their orange-and-yellow trumpets all summer long, attracting hummingbirds and softening the hard lines of the metal and brick.
Amazingly, my dream came to fruition.
And yet, once I saw the coral honeysuckle in place, I realized I had made a mistake.
The honeysuckle was so happy and so exuberant that it practically hid the railing entirely and sent up bushy tendrils in every which direction from the top railing.
It was out of control.
And I was worried. Worried that I had created a potential hazard for anyone using the front porch. After all, the railings are there for a reason - to help people go up and down without tripping or slipping.
But if they can't find or grasp the railing, then the railing is pretty well useless.
I didn't want anyone to get hurt and I didn't want to worry about the liability issues either.
So one day in August, I went out with scissors and started trying to snip the honeysuckle vine off the railings.
The vine broke my scissors! (The tendrils get woody and tough after a while.)
So I went to get my
loppers. Overkill? Sure, but it did the trick.
I toyed with the idea of ripping out the whole plant, but I felt guilty curtailing the growth of a couple of vines that were only being all-too-successful at fulfilling the goals I had set for them.
So I left the stubs with a couple of flowers and some maturing berries.
Here you can see the pruned remnants of the formerly mighty vine - now transformed into a truncated bush - encamped at the foot of the stairs. |
Provided the vines survive, I'm still undecided as to whether I should leave them to ramble through the front foundation beds or take them out entirely. I'm not at all sure that they'd be willing to play nice with other perennials, at least not without a lot of watchful pruning and shaping.
But I do like the fact that the vine frequently attracted a visiting hummingbird -- who seems to have become accustomed to our property and now drinks from other flowers like the zinnias and even has sampled the Russian Sage.
What would you do with these Coral Honeysuckle vines?
And have you ever had to remove or relocate any overperformers in your garden?