And now the final batch of photographic highlights from my August trip to Kew Gardens. Enjoy!
This looks like variegation, but I think it is the beginning of a process by which leaves yellow and then drop prematurely from Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia). I've seen the same thing in my garden, although it tends to happen much earlier in the year in Tennessee, perhaps due to heat and drought stress? |
Sorghum bicolor 'Texas Black' -- this plant had some serious height, and I could see it working nicely as an attractive temporary screen. |
Other pollinators also joined the Tilia kiusiana banquet... |
Love the fact that you can buy vegetables at Kew! |
I was mighty impressed with this 'Cos Dixter' lettuce. Looks tasty! |
Finally, here's a look at the variety and beauty of student vegetable plots at Kew. I think it would be great if more botanic gardens had these sorts of sections to show that gardening is something accessible and intimately connected to people, rather than just an abstract aesthetic exercise. |
Thanks for joining me on this visit to Kew. We may be bidding Kew a fond farewell, but I'm not done yet with my travel posts.